2ndMonday, March 17, 2014 A comment maybe?

What usually happens in the first trimester?

Bouts of nausea 

" Morning sickness, which can strike at any time of the day or night, sometimes begins as early as three weeks after conception. Pregnant women also have a heightened sense of smell, so various odors — such as foods cooking, perfume or cigarette smoke — might cause waves of nausea in early pregnancy. " 

This happens to me during the third month. And it always strikes me in the night time. It's torturing. Somehow, I know you are still within me. 

Tender, swollen breasts

" Soon after conception, hormonal changes might make your breasts tender, tingly or sore. Or your breasts might feel fuller and heavier. "

I experience this too. It makes me feel like a mother.

Increased urination

" You might find yourself urinating more often than usual, especially at night. Pressure from your enlarging uterus on your bladder might cause you to leak urine when sneezing, coughing or laughing. "

I tend to go to the toilet more often, but not to the extend of leaking urine. 


" Fatigue also ranks high among first trimester symptoms. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone soar - which can put you to sleep. "

I do feel very lethargic during the day time, but feel very energetic during the night time. It is not so good for me and the baby when I don't sleep at proper times. And, I usually feel giddy due to low blood sugar and need sweets. Orange juice helps a lot for me. 

Food aversions or cravings

" When you're pregnant, you might find yourself turning up your nose at certain foods, such as coffee or fried foods. Food cravings are common, too. Like most other symptoms of pregnancy, these food preferences can be chalked up to hormonal changes - especially in the first trimester, when hormonal changes are the most dramatic. "

The food that I always craved for, is instant noodles.  Be it to be so unhealthy, I have had it every night. And strange cravings such as fried hokkien mee in the middle of the night.  "Womb service" are always working at strange hours. I always craved for spicy things, but definitely no sour cravings. I hate it!

Heartburn and constipation

"During first trimester pregnancy, the movements that push swallowed food from your esophagus into your stomach are slower. Your stomach also takes longer to empty. This slowdown gives nutrients more time to be absorbed into your bloodstream and reach your baby. Unfortunately, it can also lead to heartburn and constipation. "

Come to think of it, I do have constipation back then. But I didn't really take note of it. My appetite grew bigger, and I just can't stop eating. I can even have my next meal within two hours' time. That's how crazy it is.. 

I guess everyone would have different experience when they are pregnant. 

It was tough for me. To experience nausea every night, and I have to keep it from my family. Bad mood swings every now and then, but I got no one to confront to. 

No one was there for me, even the father of the baby. 

Although it's tough, but I still feel that there is a life in me. A life that is part of me, and supposed to be part of my life. The heartbeat I can see from the monitor, the heartbeat I can feel within me every day back then. 

The little life that is supposed to see the world in 4 months' time..

I lost it. 


I killed it. 

With my own bare hand. Because of my own selfishness. 

" Baby, I am sorry. Mummy is sorry. Sorry that I have to sacrifice you because of my own selfishness. Because no one around mummy is supporting me. Because daddy force me out of the situation. I know I am not tough enough. I know I should have insisted in keeping you. "
Mandy Tan

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Purple is my color.
Stitch is my precious.
I love my family
I'm owned by my silly bear on
I lose my dearest.
I just want a chance to fix everything.
03.03.2013 was the day you are created.
02.05.2013 was the day you leave us.
But you will always be in my heart♥
I want to travel around the world,
with my love ones.
Photographs are the best to keep
our memories fresh.

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This layout was created & edited by * Pipie Alyahya
Thanks to: Rainy / Owlala / Mortisha / Mae.